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5 Male YouTube Vloggers To Follow In 2016

5 Male YouTube Vloggers To Follow In 2016
Writer and expert9 years ago
View allbeauty's profile


Men's styling and grooming is on the rise. We've picked out 5 male YouTube Vloggers well worth a follow in 2016.

1. UK Vlogger Robin James aka Man For Himself - YouTube ChannelHis channel: “a place to share my top tips and experience of men’s style and grooming. Think of me as the guy that will always give you honest advice, suggest new products and help you to explore your own sense of style.”

Try this vid: “Can I use gel for a quiff?” | Cheap vs. Expensive (KMS > 

Shop Here)

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2. US Vlogger Jo Brien aka The Gentleman’s Cove -

YouTube Channel

His channel: “Just a guy who likes to dress nice and wants to share how to do it. Hair, style, dress, and reviews will be done here so subscribe and stay dapper!“

Try this vid:My Everyday Hairstyle

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UK Vlogger James Welsh - YouTube Channel

His channel: “Styling tips, men’s grooming, product reviews etc etc etc!”

Try this vid: Men’s Daily Skincare Routine For Oily Skin (Men’s Grooming)

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4. US Vlogger Cameron Cretney - YouTube Channel

His channel: 

“Mostly manly stuff like hair tutorials, haircuts, product reviews, lookbooks, ootds and much more.”

Try this vid: What to Tell Your Barber | Men’s Haircut 2016 | Hair Measurements

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5. US Vlogger JairWoo -

YouTube Channel

His channel: “The latest fashion tips, personal style, hair tutorials, DIY’s, and much more”

Try this vid: How To Darken Faded Black Jeans

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So there you have 5 of’s favourite male YouTube Vloggers for 2016. Tell us how we did - did we miss anyone you think we should follow? Comment down below with your channel suggestions.

Please note: is not affiliated to any of the Vloggers shown, recommendations are based purely on our viewing experience.

Writer and expert
View allbeauty's profile