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6 Areas You Miss Most When Applying Foundation

6 Areas You Miss Most When Applying Foundation
Writer and expert8 years ago
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You've been applying foundation for years but are you a pro? Discover the 6 areas you're still most likely to miss when applying your base.

When applying foundation it's easy to go onto auto-pilot! Natural or full-coverage both need to look 'real' so eyes down...

  • 1. Corner of the eye

applying foundation one
Oops, we see this a lot! Carefully applied makeup all over the nose with a noticeable line around the eye. Apply foundation to the bridge of the nose but blend it down. Even if you're applying eye makeup too, you still need a blended look. This foundation blending kit by Tweezerman is a great basic to have.

2. Hairline

applying foundation two
Remember foundation doesn't stop in a neat line around the hair! Ideally you'll have a perfect colour match, but you still need to blend up into the hairline. Use light strokes (fingers are great) to 'disappear' the product into the hair.

3. Ears

applying foundation three
Blend into the ear softly, don't end foundation at the side of the face. Recent trends have seen some makeup artists cover the whole ear. This is worth doing if you're going to a formal occasion and wearing hair up. Otherwise just buffing into the lobes is enough.

4. Nose and sides of the nose

applying foundation four
You may be buffing away at your cheeks, but take a few seconds to blend into the sides of the nose. We all tend to have larger pores in that area so blend in well to disguise them. Beware of foundation (or powder) 'sitting' on the skin making pores look even worse. THE tool you must have is of course a beautyblender!

5. Inside the nose

applying foundation five
Always make a last check for foundation (and powder) residue. We know, it's easy to forget when you're rushing, but it only takes 2 seconds. No-one wants to give a presentation with soft beige rose up their nose!

6. Around the eye

applying foundation six eye
As well as the inner eye, also blend a light layer of foundation across the whole eye. This gives a natural look and makes a great primer for eye makeup. If you have hooded eyes or deep sockets, you don't want a layer sitting in the crease, so use a light hand. Go for a natural, all-over colour.

Make sure you're always applying foundation correctly by pinning our handy image:

Applying Foundation Most Missed Foundation Spots
Fed up with your current routine? Browse our foundation range here or for beauty tools such as brushes and blenders click here.

Writer and expert
View allbeauty's profile