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Homeschooling SOS – Tips & Tricks To Best Support Your Bubble

Homeschooling SOS – Tips & Tricks To Best Support Your Bubble
Writer and expert4 years ago
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It’s Lockdown 3.0, which means many of us are facing the juggle of WFH (working from home) while overseeing the younger members of our household. If you’ve found yourself asking how you’re going to get through the next half term of homeschooling, we’re here to offer some tips to make it a little easier during these incredibly trying times. 

Homeschooling is a choice that many parents plan and prepare for over a long period of time and in their own time. It’s ok to not feel 100% confident about your makeshift Home School - everyone is in a similar boat, with many experiencing distance learning for the first time! Covid19 has a lot to answer for…

Above all, remember that children are constantly learning, whether they’re running around outside, constructing worlds on Minecraft, or playing with toys. Loving your kids, supporting them and making them feel safe is enough.  

Tip #1. Start The Day Energised

One of the most important things you can do when it comes to juggling work and family is to make sure you have enough energy to face the day. If you find yourself waking up tired, you’re already off to a bad start. 

As tempting as it can be to have a late night and enjoy some much-needed childfree time, you’re going to pay for it the following day. Instead, hit the hay early and give yourself the best chance of rest by using this works Deep Sleep Pillow Spray which is shown to help 97% of users sleep better. Another fab option is L'Occitane Aromachologie Cocon De Sérenité Relaxing Pillow Mist which combines lavender, geranium and sweet orange essential oils.

And let’s face it, there are going to be days where for all the will in the world, we just don’t get a good night’s sleep. For those late nights and early mornings when you feel like death warmed up, a good concealer will at least smooth away those dark circles. The Laura Mercier Flawless Fusion Ultra-Longwear Concealer is our go-to for this job, as it diffuses light, reduces the appearance of lines and is life-resistant.

Tip #2. Nip Stress In The Bud

When it comes to keeping the wheels turning, you’re the most crucial factor. Things would crumble without you, so make sure you’re prioritising your well-being and not letting stress bottle up. 

Fragrances have been used for centuries to promote relaxation, with lavender, neroli, rosemary and patchouli being some of the most popular. Calming scents can help you deal with stress and reduce the risk of burning out, so add them into your daily routine wherever possible. 

For example, one of our favourite stress-relievers is the Payot Paris Eau de Soin Relaxante: Floral Treatment Water. Spritzed on your face throughout the day, the hyaluronic acid gives your skin a dose of hydration while jasmine and white tea extracts relax and comfort.

And seeing as we’re spending a lot of time within our four walls, why not make sure your home fragrance is contributing to a sense of calm too? 

Neom Organics London has a Scent To De-Stress range that is perfect for keeping you (and the children) feeling zen throughout the day. We also love their Happiness Scented Candle, with notes of white neroli, mimosa and lemon to chase away the blues. So, fill your home with the smell of essential oils and hope it helps you find bliss amongst the chaos.

You may even want to get your soap in on the action, seeing as we’re all doing a lot more hand washing! Try Cowshed Relax Calming Hand & Body Soap with a lavender and eucalyptus blend to bring relaxation into even the dullest moments.

Tip #3. Break Up The Boredom

There’s a clever little phrase passed around between mums across the globe regarding fractious children, "just add water". Something about adding H2O to the mix does wonders for grumpy, bored kids, and we don’t just mean keeping them hydrated (although this helps too). Whether it’s wet experiments at the kitchen table or splashing in the bath, children can perk up in an instant when water is involved.

A great idea for cold, miserable days, make bathtime a fun activity in its own right by adding bath bombs into the mix. We can’t recommend Bomb Cosmetics enough when it comes to skin-friendly bath products, and it’s worth having a few on hand for those days when you’re at your wit’s end. In particular, try Anything Is Popsicle for bright bombs and tropical scents that carry memories of summertime, or ocean inspired Part Time Mermaid which transports you to your favourite coastal holiday spot. 

Alternatively, make the most of your sanctioned daily walk, blow the cobwebs away and let the kids burn off some energy - a little fresh air really does make everything feel better.

Tip #4. Rest And Recharge

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again, keeping yourself in tip-top condition is essential during these trying times. Once the kids are tucked up safe in bed for the night, take some time for yourself and listen to any niggling aches and pains that your body is trying to tell you about. 

Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is praised for its natural mood-boosting and anti-anxiety properties, so now is a great time to add it into your routine. Take orally or apply topically to release some of that pent up muscle tension in your neck and shoulder muscles. Or, if you prefer to relax in the tub, we love Weleda Arnica Muscle Soak to help relieve those aching muscles.

If you’re not already, you may also want to give your immune system a boost with supplements. Sambucol Black Elderberry Immuno Forte Capsules is a great winter option, with zinc, vitamin C and black elderberry extract with natural antioxidant properties.

Finally, do something just for you. Your relaxation techniques do not have to be sophisticated! Whether it’s reading a book, indulging in a glass of vino or catching up on your favourite box set, remember to allow yourself some well-deserved downtime whilst you stay at home. You’ve earned it.

Writer and expert
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