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How To: Get Date Night Ready

How To: Get Date Night Ready
Writer and expert5 years ago
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Whether you’re new to a relationship or are trying to bring some romance back into your life, adding date night as a regular fixture into your calendar is a must. But if you’re anything like the allbeauty team... well sometimes, the pressure of getting all dolled up for a meal out with the other half can seem like more effort than it’s worth.

And it’s not just married date night grinches that find the build-up overwhelming. If you’re newly dating, the pressure to look

just right

, not too overdressed, not too casual, is a minefield.

Here’s a handy guide to getting date night ready with just a few easy tips. 

1. “Be prepared”

Those boy scouts are onto a good thing with this handy motto. If you know it’s date night, leave yourself time to get ready. There is nothing worse than trying to apply


as your Uber waits outside - or even worse - if you're on the bus. Watch out for the bends in the road is all we can say.  For bonus points, try to get to bed early the night before so you don’t find yourself dozing during the dessert course. A relaxing fragrance, like the Pillow Spray from ThisWorks, can be a great help for encouraging sleep.

2. Defuzz, or don’t

If you play your cards right, date night could easily become date morning. With this in mind it’s worth a last minute defuzz, if that’s the way you usually roll. Whether you epilate, shave or wax, avoid any unwelcome razor rash by applying a

good quality moisturiser

to the skin post-treatment.

Clarins Moisture-Rich Body Lotion with Shea Butter

is one fantastic choice.

Au naturale? You’re good to go!

3. Keep your makeup simple

First of all, let's preface this by saying if you enjoy putting on a full face of makeup before you go out, you do you, girl! We are not here to tell you the ‘right’ way to get ready for date night, simply how to make the whole process as easy and breezy as possible.  The best thing you can wear is confidence - and of course, a SMILE  - in our books. 

With that in mind,  keeping your makeup simple is a great choice. A good



bright lip

(preferably kiss-proof) can go a long way, and take seconds to apply. Unless you have time to kill, date night is not the time to experiment with new eye shadow techniques or to try out contouring. Play it safe, keep it simple and stay you,  your last-minute jitters will thank you. 

4. Let your crown shine

Your hair is your crowning glory, make sure it’s looked after. Again, simplicity is key on date night, particularly if you have a small window to get ready in. A quick squirt of



volumising spray

will ensure you look great the whole night through, finished with a shot of

setting hairspray

depending on whether you plan on breaking some moves on the dance floor.

5. Pack the essentials

Finding the balance when it comes to packing a handbag is an intricate art that can take decades to master. However, a few tips for date night: you probably don’t need your entire purse complete with 4 different coffee rewards cards, but you probably do need gum (because garlic bread shouldn’t stand between you and your sweetheart), your face mask, that new lipstick, your phone, and, ahem, any relevant protection, aka. umbrella.

6. Treat every sense

We’ve saved this one until last because it’s too often forgotten. Smell is an incredibly powerful sense but can often be overlooked when it comes to romance. Before you head out the door, make sure you smell great, but don’t overdo it. When it comes to


, less is more. Which fragrance is best for date night? One that fills you with confidence. If you’re not sure where to start, you can shop all fragrance by clicking


or try our

fragrance finder

to help you get date night ready.

While all of allbeauty's tips will help you be prepared for the big day the most important thing to remember is to enjoy yourself!

And in the meantime, be sure to shop the Valentine's Collection here.

Writer and expert
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