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How To Tips From Anya

How To Tips From Anya
Writer and expert5 years ago
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About Anya

Anya Goy is a professional senior hair stylist at allbeauty’s Guernsey salon. She is also owner of & author of: "Any Colour of the Rainbow - Guide to Alternative Hair Colour". A TikTok guru, here are Anya’s top hair tip do’s and don’ts during lockdown.

Hair at home


Don’t try to cut your own hair. I know the salons are closed, but it’s not forever. A hair disaster on top of the uncertainty of these times probably won’t help.

Do take the time to plan your next style, use your free time to Pinterest some looks together to show your hairdresser when they reopen. There are some fun phone apps you can play with to try different looks and styles on yourself. This could be a good opportunity to reinvent yourself and plan for a new look. As your hair will be longer than usual, there will be more for your hairdresser to play with.


Don't touch the permanent box dye or bleach! Unless you have the funds for a big colour correction when the salon is back open, this is not a good idea. If you get the urge to, try go watch some Brad Mondo “Hairdresser reacts to hair fails” on Youtube instead.

Do use temporary wash out root touch-up sprays to conceal the grays before your grocery run. If you're a blonde who can’t get a salon toner top up, try Kérastase Blond Absolu Masque Ultra Violet Treatment instead. This will help cool off the brass and keep the condition feeling beautiful.


Don’t heat style your hair. This is the perfect opportunity to give your hair a heat holiday. Put the straighteners down and air dry if possible. You’ll be amazed how good your hair feels even after just 2 weeks without regular heat.

Do try some new styles! With more free time on your hands this is a great opportunity to learn a new skill like learning different braid techniques, or cute simple day to day looks, how to do thos festival styles… or if you want a challenge try some formal event upstyles. Youtube has some wonderful free tutorials. I personally love to watch Kayley Melissa’s channel for tons of great ideas and easy to try tutorials. I would recommend MOROCCANOIL Styling Luminous Hairspray to help give your hair some hold and make practicing these looks easier.


Don’t neglect yourself. It can be easy to feel anxious or depressed with a bad situation and to stop caring for yourself. In lockdown, no one will see you anyway right? But it’s actually more important than ever to take time and practice self care and look after your mental wellbeing. And have fun with those new styles, as above.

Do pamper yourself! Treat yourself to an at home spa day. Take a nice long bath, and do a hair and face mask. Light some candles and let the worries slip away. For your hair treatment I would recommendKérastase Resistance Masque Extentioniste

This mask has the key ingredient “Maleic Acid”, which is also the same key ingredient that is used in L’oreal Smart Bond systems, so has the same added benefit and balances out the PH levels in your hair and scalp. After cleansing, tower-dry hair. Use a hazelnut-sized amount and apply to hair length. Leave in for a minimum of 5 minutes, but I like to leave it for a good hour myself! Then rinse only!

Writer and expert
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