How long has Nourkrin been around?
Nourkrin® has been on the market in the UK for around 30 years. It was the first natural hair growth product available in the UK and has been the market leader ever since. Nourkrin® is now a global name and is available throughout the world where, in many countries, it is actually prescribed by healthcare practitioners to those suffering from hair thinning or hair loss.
Throughout all this time, we have continued to invest heavily in research into both the products and hair growth disorders, and have more than 55 published clinical papers looking at hair growth disorders of various causes and types and how Nourkrin® can help to rebalance a disrupted Hair Growth Cycle and promote new growth.
What are hair growth vitamins?
Hair growth vitamin is a catch-all term for what are usually generic vitamin blends, sold as ‘hair, skin and nails’ preparations and which contain biotin among the list of ingredients.
However, research shows that in the western world, due to our varied diet, vitamin deficiency only accounts for around 2% of hair loss cases. Therefore, dealing with hair loss usually requires more than just a vitamin preparation, and needs something which actively addresses the effects of the hair growth disruption – the root cause of all types of hair loss.
Proteoglycans are the molecules within all our bodies which, among other things, govern our Hair Growth Cycle. The one thing that all cases of hair loss have in common, is that these proteoglycan molecules are missing from their usual place in the hair follicle, and this leaves the follicle unable to function normally. This means that after shedding the hair, as part of the usual function of the follicle, the follicles fall dormant. As this can happen across the whole of the scalp, the effect of many dormant follicles manifests as a general thinning of the hair, usually preceded by an increase in shedding.
By supplementing with a product which contains the same proteoglycans which are found in the follicle, rather than a simple multivitamin, the Hair Growth Cycle can be rebalanced, reawakening dormant follicles and new growth can be restored.
Who are Nourkrin's products for?
Nourkrin® is suitable for men and women who are suffering from hair thinning or hair loss, or those who wish to support and protect the health of their hair. Nourkrin® is not suitable for those who suffer from a fish allergy as the active ingredient in the tablets, Marilex®, is derived from fish.
Why is Nourkrin Unique? / What it Marilex? (How does it work)?
Nourkrin® is the only product to contain Marilex®, which contains high levels of the specific proteoglycans, and in the precise ratios and quantities, which regulate hair follicle functioning. Marilex® has been clinically proven to help induce and prolong the growth phase of the Hair Growth Cycle.
The proteoglycans in Nourkrin® help to induce dormant hair follicles back into the growth phase of the Hair Growth Cycle and also helps to elongate the growth (Anagen) phase back to a natural, healthy length (usually around 3-5 years) to ensure that each hair reaches its full growth potential before entering the transition (Catagen) phase.
By encouraging more hair follicles to re-enter the growth phase, the resting phase is pushed back to normal levels, resulting in a reduction in the levels of shedding; the combination of these two elements promotes continuous, healthy hair growth.
All ingredients in Nourkrin® are naturally based and 100% drug-free and have been tested for efficacy and safety.
If I begin taking supplements for my hair, how long should I wait to see results?
As hair is so slow-growing (think how long it took to grow out that haircut that you hated!) it can take several months before the results can become visible, in the same way, that it took several months for the effects of the hair growth disruption to show themselves. On average, most people will start to see some improvement in their hair, such as a reduction in the levels of shedding, by around 3-4 months although this can vary from person to person depending on the duration and severity of the problem.
For this reason, we always recommend a minimum programme of 6 months of Nourkrin®, as each follicle is in its own growth cycle and it can take some time for the benefits of the programme to be realised across the 100,000 follicles present on our heads.
Can supplements help my hair regrow?
By supplementing with a product which contains proteoglycans in the same ratios and quantities as found in the follicle, it is possible to help hair regrow, although there are a couple of exceptions to this. Conditions such as cicatricial alopecia (where there is permanent damage to the follicle), alopecia totalis (complete scalp hair loss) and alopecia universalis (total hair loss) are usually permanent due to the factors that cause them, however, most other types of hair loss can be helped by Nourkrin®.
I have pretty normal hair – will supplements do anything ‘extra’ for me, such as making my hair grow faster?
Your hair is only capable of growing at a certain rate (usually around ¼ to ½ inch a month), regardless of whether or not you support with supplementation, so it’s not possible to speed up growth beyond this rate. However, even for those who are not experiencing hair growth disorders, supplements can help to support their hair and improve the quality and health of the growth.
For those of us who are aware that the health of our hair is at risk, maybe as the result of a stressful period we’re going through, or because of hormonal changes or a recent illness, supplementation can help to protect the health of the follicle and existing growth and help to prevent hair growth disruption occurring.
Can my diet cause thinning hair?
Extreme dietary restriction following bariatric surgery, disordered eating conditions or even certain health conditions such as coeliac disease can cause hair growth disruptions due to the poor absorption of the nutrients from food through the gut. However, outside of this, it is unlikely that diet is to blame for your hair loss. In the modern western world, we are fortunate that our diet is typically healthy and sufficient in the protein, vitamins and minerals needed to keep our hair healthy. Hair loss as a result of a vitamin deficiency only accounts for around 2% of cases and it is far more likely for more common conditions such as stress, hormonal changes or even over-styling to be the cause of the hair loss instead.
That being said, hair does need certain nutrients to grow healthily, including protein, glucose and vitamins and, as hair consists of around 85-90% protein, making sure that you eat a varied diet which is rich in protein can help to keep your hair looking its best.
What has been the highlight of the Nourkrin® story so far?
Nourkrin® are incredibly proud to have been instrumental in helping to improve the life quality of countless women and men over the last three decades, not only in terms of the health and quality of their hair but also, equally importantly, in terms of their confidence, self-esteem and quality of life.
We’ve been awarded not one, but an unprecedented two gold medals by the hair loss experts at the World Trichology Society, for our continuous and ongoing research and development into improving the life quality of women and men suffering from hair growth disorders. In addition to this, we’re also the proud recipients of numerous consumer awards voted for by Nourkrin users, and trade awards.
What’s your number one tip for choosing or using haircare supplements?
Give them time to work! If you’re trying to redress a hair growth disorder it takes time… several months in fact. The effects of a hair growth disruption usually start to appear around 4-16 weeks after the triggering event and it can take at least this long again to start to see the visible results of a supplementation programme, which is why we recommend a minimum programme of 6 months. If the cause of your hair loss is more permanent, such as, in the case of certain health conditions or medications, then you may also need to consider a longer-term plan with your hair growth supplement, to help protect the health of the follicles and hair and maintain healthy hair growth against the effects of the trigger.
Whether you’re choosing a hair supplement to help support your hair in the face of an ongoing disrupting factor, or to help to promote growth after a period of acute hair loss, consistency is also key - remembering to take the supplement as directed on the pack and at the same or similar time every day is vital to get the best possible results from the programme.
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