Another year closes at allbeauty hq and all we can say is...
What. A. Year.
And as the eve of December 31 dawns and a new chapter begins for 2021, our minds have inevitably turned to the start of a new year. There may be no fireworks display or New Year’s Eve celebrations as we’ve come to expect over the years, but we’re still sticking to the tradition of resolutions and approaching them as we approach everything at allbeauty.
We say we’re about real talk, so here it is.
Real Talk, Real Beauty and Real Resolutions!
Be Kind has been an oft repeated mantra throughout 2020 and it goes without saying. Check in on your friends. Ask how they’re doing and listen without judgement. Choose kindness and look for simple acts of kindness that can brighten people’s days. Compliment the lady with the amazing lipstick at the checkout. You don’t know how much she maybe needed a compliment today.
For 2021, we are taking the above and also thinking about how to be kind to ourselves.
We commit to spending less time thinking about our flaws, to accept the things we cannot change and to have the courage to change the things we can. Such as our outlook on being kind to ourselves.
We’re an ambitious bunch at allbeauty, so we'll always have goals and little mountains we’re aiming to climb but we also accept that we don’t need to put pressure on ourselves to achieve everything.
It’s ok not to look like a supermodel. Think about your favourite people and what you love about them! Maybe it’s their smile, maybe it’s the way they make everyone around them laugh, maybe it’s their commitment to make a difference. Remember, there is so much more to your worth than looking perfect. Think about what makes you glow from within and harness what makes you feel alive. You’ll be surprised by what beautiful moments you can attract, just by having confidence in yourself.
It’s ok to take time out to have a moment for you. Whether that looks like an hour long yoga session, catching up with a Netflix series, taking time out to be creative or just a simple five minutes getting some fresh air, we guarantee you’ll feel much better for it. And who knows, you might learn something new about yourself - and a new skill - in the process.
Make healthy life choices. We’re not talking a game of extremes - the New Year at allbeauty is not about throwing all of the chocolate in the bin and swapping it for kale, we’re talking about listening to what your body needs and nurturing it. Embrace a life that takes everything in moderation! And if you slip up and eat all the chocolate one day, don’t be hard on yourself - just make sure you balance it out with healthier choices throughout the week.
Bearing in mind that the body is 70% water, one of our quick wins for 2021 is to up our water intake and make sure we’re actually getting the levels we need (health experts advise around 2L per day). Water helps maintain balance of bodily fluids (including digestion) and actually, upping your intake if you don’t drink enough can lead to less water retention and better temperature regulation within the body. Whether you’re committing to Dry January or not, space out any alcoholic drinks with a glass of water between each one. Your body will thank you for it!
It’s also ok to not be ok. We can grieve what we lost in 2020 - whether that loss be a loved one, a memory, an experience, a hard-earned holiday abroad, or even our sense of self - and look to be more compassionate in 2021. Grief is a process. Don’t be afraid to ask for support from friends and family or seek confidential advice from organisations such as MIND or the Samaritans.
Take things one day at a time - what you are feeling is real, but this too shall pass.
Niacinamide, Hyaluronic Acid, Salycic Acid… these buzzwords of beauty can sometimes sound intimidating and as always, the allbeauty team are here to demystify them for you. We’re also committed to learning new ingredients, with articles on each one within our Ingredients Hub. Be sure to check in with us throughout 2021 as we will be regularly updating our Ingredients hub with new products and information.
allbeauty also has two salons situated in Guernsey and Southampton and we love nothing more than asking the experts their tips! Whether it’s for fragrance guidance from Rachel or how to unwind with a home facial courtesy of Georgia, you can be sure we’ll be sharing all the secrets here with you too!
Yes, the vast majority of us do love to look up to supermodels and glossy photo shoots but away from the glitz, glamour and great lighting, the ‘Supers’ are human too. As humans, we have dents and scratches, soft patches and wobbly bits and that’s what makes us real.
We live in a world with strict beauty standards, dictated to us by filters, photoshop and social media. At allbeauty, we believe that one of the most empowering things to have is confidence. Every human has scars and marks, whether it be from a time you fell over as a child, from an operation, from giving birth or even just stretchmarks from growing (which, by the way, it would seem a lot of people don’t talk about!).
Your flaws or ‘imperfections’ do not define your beauty, they make you unique and that's a beautiful thing. But we understand if there are times when you feel that these can hold back your confidence. We’ve been there.
That’s why we have our Beauty Unfiltered hub where we talk about common problems and advise on products that can help you look and feel beautiful for less. From blemishes and pigmentation, to crow’s feet and spider veins, we’ve looked for solutions to ease various issues, so you can focus on shining like the beauty you are. From Menopause to Hormones, Mother & Baby to Uniquely You - this is our space for you!
We may age and change as the years go by, but we’ll finish our resolutions off with one timeless line from the Backstreet Boys - “What Makes You Different, Makes You Beautiful”.
Don’t you forget it!
Wishing you all love, health and happiness for 2021 and beyond.