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DIY Beauty Appointments

DIY Beauty Appointments
Writer and expert4 years ago
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With everything going on in the world, many of us have ditched the coiffed hair and perfectly manicured nails in favour of a more low maintenance routine. Realistically, the choice isn’t entirely ours anyway, as getting out to a beauty appointment isn’t something that will be on the cards any time soon.

Whether you’re naturally low maintenance at the best of times, or this is a new development for you, we’ve got everything you need to embrace the lazier days and manage isolation with ease. After all, if you can’t be lazy now, when


you be?!

Fixing Your Roots 

If you’ve never missed an appointment with your colourist, you might be worrying about just what’s hiding underneath your dyed locks. The good news is,

colouring your roots at home

is super easy. You might not get quite the same finish as a professional, but it’s the next best thing. Of course, you could always just embrace the grey, it’s very on-trend now don’t you know!

Party Lashes 

For those with lash extensions, there’s no way around it - you’ll have to prepare to look a little patchy over the next few weeks. But help is at hand! While we can’t help with infills, we


offer the next best thing. If you love the way that long fluttering lashes look on you, we stock a fabulous range of

false lashes

and lengthening


, so you don’t have to go without. You might also want to try a lash treatment, giving you a little extra boost to accentuate your natural assets. 

Fall Back In Love With Your Natural Nails 

We love a good gel polish as much as the next woman, but unless you’re kitted out with a UV lamp at home, that’s not on the cards. Instead, why not embrace your natural nails by treating them to a

protective, nourishing treatment

. Follow up with a coat of a light, subtle shade of polish from




to finish the look. With a little bit of TLC, you may just be surprised at how great your nails are au natural. 

Get Your Brows Ready 

When you wake up knowing you won’t be leaving the house, do you really want to spend time drawing on the perfect brow? We didn’t think so. Ditch the brow pencils for now and instead simplify your beauty routine by


out stray hairs as needed and perhaps following with

brow wax

for a little extra control. You might even surprise yourself with the results!

Your Hair Removal Method 

Let’s face it, your social calendar is depressingly empty for the foreseeable future, but that doesn’t mean you have to embrace the fuzz (unless you want to of course!). Hot wax is out, back-to-basics is in. Go for the quick and easy option with a

quality ladies shaver

, a smoother finish with an


, or go for the longer lasting option with an

IPL hair removal system

. For the best results, follow with a

growth inhibiting product

designed to slow regrowth. 

Get The Glow 

Tanning beds and professional sprays are out, low-maintenance glow is in. We might be spending less time indoors, but that doesn’t mean you have to forego the bronzed look. With a range of

instant and gradual self-tanning solutions

, you can achieve that sun-kissed glow without leaving the house! And if you find yourself looking washed out on those Zoom conference calls, a

facial tanner

or touch of


can make the world of difference. 

We hope you’ll agree, not being able to leave the house doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy looking great, without having to put in too much effort. Of course, the lowest maintenance option of all is to forego your beauty regime altogether, but what fun is that?!

Writer and expert
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