Coping with breakouts can be stressful and upsetting. We've come up with easy tips and product advice to help you through.
At some point, everyone has to cope with breakouts. Usual triggers are hormone changes, stress or a busy routine. The trick is not to stress out; here's how to deal with an unexpected skin flareup.

Don't be tempted to scrub it off! When your skin flares up, it's tempting to reach for the exfoliator and go at it like crazy. Although exfoliation will help, you need to be gentle. Skin that's already inflamed and angry will only get worse if you try to scrub or peel it off, so your first action is to calm the inflammation. Switch your daily cleanser to one that's for problem skin and 'spot' cleanse that area. Salcura Antiac is a great choice - it's PH neutral and contains cooling and soothing agents.

Vitamin D It's probably less well known, but vitamin D can play a role in skin breakouts. Blogger @_EMTHATSME recently published a great post, talking about the role of Vitamin D in combatting her breakouts. Here's what Em said:
Since January I have been supplementing the ‘sunshine vitamin’ in the form of a tablet, taking one everyday, and my skin has never been so good. Over the summer months of June and July, I have reduced my vitamin D intake as naturally the sun is out more so there is less need to supplement it. Them big fat red spots I used to get on my cheek bones have practically vanished! Vitamin D really does help with minimising acne breakouts as it is involved with growth, repair and cell metabolism.
You can read Em's full post here.

You can shop all products for problem skin online at allbeauty.