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Winter Sun Safety Tips For The City And Beach

Winter Sun Safety Tips For The City And Beach
Writer and expert8 years ago
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Winter sun safety is just as important as summer-time sunbathing! If you're heading to the city or the beach this winter, stay safe with our sun protection tips.

Our winter sun safety tips are ideal for beach and city breaks north of the equator. Shop all sun protection here at 

Hands up if you thought any of these sun myths were true:

  • Sunscreen in makeup is enough protection

  • Winter sun isn't as strong as summer sun

  • Winter skin is protected by melanin produced during the summer

Well as you've guessed they're all incorrect! A winter sun break means you need just as much sun protection as during the summer. It goes without saying that holidays in the southern hemisphere will be very hot (anything south of the equator needs proper protection). But for those of you heading to destinations such as Tenerife, Marrakesh or Barcelona, please make sure you're prepared!

winter sun safety
It's still true the sun's at its hottest between 11am and 3pm. If you're heading for a city break, try to make sure you aren't walking around outdoors at this time. Schedule a long lunch or a cultural excursion indoors.

Pay attention to the UV rating on the weather forecast. It may be a cloudy day, but that doesn't mean the UV rating isn't high or that the UV rays can't get through. In fact 80% of UV rays can pass through cloud. If the rating is high consider wearing a higher factor sunscreen if you plan to be out and about. In the winter UVB rays aren't as strong, but UVA (associated with ageing!) most definitely are.

Wear proper sunglasses! Your eyes can be damaged by the sun. Plus don't forget that foreign shores surrounded by beaches and the sea reflect the light considerably. This means you may find the light 'brighter' and uncomfortable compared to home surroundings.

winter sun safety
Apply sunscreen at least 30 minutes before you go out, and ideally make it part of your makeup routine. We know, some sun protection can play havoc with foundation, but we really like Ultrasun and especially the award winning Glimmer which contains tiny flecks of golden colour to give you a warm glow. As long as you wait around 5 minutes before applying foundation, you won't have any problems. Ultrasun is a once a day product too, so it's perfect for holidays.

winter sun safety

Pin our handy checklist to your Pinterest account, for whenever you need a quick reminder:

winter sun safety
You can shop all sun protection here.

Writer and expert
View allbeauty's profile